The pavilion on the sand hills

Stevenson, Robert L.

Sprecher: Pustan, Cyril
Spielzeit: 55 Minuten

Mr. Cassilis finds himself in a doubly dangerous situation: barricaded in a cottage on the dunes protecting a defaulted banker Huddlestone from enraged Italian creditors; and embroiled with a codefender Northmour in a dispute about Huddlestone's daughter's hand. In the end the cottage is burnt, the lovers escape, and Northmour finally, upon realizing Cassilis loves her more (and she him), leaves them.

Kategorie: Belletristik/Fremdsprachige Literatur/Englisch
Verlag: o. V.
Ausleihbar seit: 26.07.2010
Buchnummer: 308972
