The uncommon reader

Bennett, Alan

Sprecher: Bär, Ray
Spielzeit: 195 Minuten

Who would guess that reading books could prompt a constitutional crisis? In this delightful political-social comedy this strange and unusual scenario does indeed play out. One day the queen takes inadvertent advantage of a bookmobil that happens to arrive at a Buckingham Palace back door; she rather accidentally borrows a book. As surprising to herself as to those who know her, the queen develops into a dedicated, avid reader of serious literature, and the court and her government are sent reeling by this new royal practice, as well as by her newfound knowledge about all kinds of things. When she turns from the joy of reading to a desire to write, the consequences are jolting.

Kategorie: Belletristik/Fremdsprachige Literatur/Englisch
Verlag: Faber and Faber
Ausleihbar seit: 20.07.2009
Buchnummer: 635091
